Syracuse Soil Project

This blog is going to be a virtual tour on how to build farm from the ground up. I will go over simple techniques as well as go deeper into concepts in chemistry, nutrition, microbiology and other related topics. Successful farming, specifically plant and animal growth will be the main focus of this project. Healthy soils help keep people healthy! Along with animal and plant health, increasing soil health is the key to achieving our potential on the farm and in life. We must learn to work with nature instead of attempting to conquer it. Follow me to learn natural farming techniques and see how and why to implement them.

A successful grow begins with planning and this site will help you with that. If you are visiting this site to help aid you on your journey to becoming a better farmer then you are probably already aware of the chemical vs organic debate. My “Why organic does and doesn’t matter” article is a great place to start for anyone because it outlines major practices and techniques used to improve or take away the vitality of the soil. Our daily practices in the field will ultimately determine the overall health and quality of our product.

Besides selecting good land, learning its layout and designing a functional farm, education is another preparation that we can take to help ensure our success. Having a grasp on biology and chemistry can really give you a heads up when it comes to running a farm. It can also save you a tremendous amount of money if you can make your own fertilizers, biological inputs and/or make your own animal feed. Controlling where our inputs come from is not only valuable economically but it ensures the quality. In the “INPUTS” section there will be video’s and articles showing you how to make your own fertilizer’s, inoculant’s Ect..In the “Biology” and “Chemistry” sections will be articles on industry terminology that everyone interested in farming should familiarize themselves with and will provide you with the knowledge of why building regenerative systems is essential. As I will show chemical fertilizers will feed your plants at the cost of destroying your biology, and our soils health is just something we can’t afford to lose.